
Table of Contents

Usually, before you begin a paper, it helps to brainstorm and organize your thoughts. There are many aspects of the pre-writing process including, but not limited to brainstorming, outlining, and researching. Review the topics below to learn more about pre-writing.

Planning Your Paper

Step 1: Prewrite (50% of your time)



When you’re ready to organize your thoughts, consider outlining your paper in a way that follows the assignment instructions and aids the flow of your argument. An outline can be five lines or fifty, so do what best serves your purposes!

Step 2: Draft (20% of your time)

Take a break: 

Take some time after your first draft to clear your head and prepare for revision.

Step 3: Revise, Edit, & Proofread (30% of your time)





Think of revising your paper as a way to ensure that you are answering the prompt. Read your paper and consider if you have:


This step of the writing process occurs after you have finished writing and revising your paper. Focus specifically on grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting. Read through your paper and take a look at each of these topics individually, rather than trying to fix all of them at once.