Avoiding Plagiarism
Table of Contents
How You Can Avoid Plagiarism
Note: The Student Plagiarism Self Checker is available only to current registered LAPU students.
Submit a draft version of your written work in the Student Plagiarism Self Checker (requires log-in) prior to the deadline in order to review your Similarity Report! You can submit multiple times to the same checker. You can also submit multiple times on the actual assignment page, but keep in mind your last submission will be graded at the assignment deadline.
Select the Similarity Percentage score found below your submission to review your report (see image below).
Revise any content in your writing that is seen as a direct copy from other sources and isn't cited properly.
Properly cite any words that you have copied from other sources.
Include a properly formatted References page.
Rewrite the content using your own words to paraphrase it rather than directly quoting it.
Remember: the Plagiarism Self Checker is a tool to help you avoid plagiarism. No tool is perfect, and the Plagiarism Self Checker may not catch everything. You are responsible for properly summarizing and giving credit to the authors of any ideas that are not your own.
Report F.A.Q.
Try out the Student Plagiarism Self-Checker
Allow 5-10 minutes for your score to appear.
You can resubmit your document as many times as you need till the deadline to refine your writing!
Properly cited content is still flagged as similar, though appropriate, you can also rewrite content in your own words to remove the flags.
How To Read Your Similarity Report
Explore the Similarity Guide to learn more about how to read your report!
Viewing the Similarity Report
Navigate to the course you submitted to, and open the assignment.
A summary of your submission will be shown. Find the File Submissions section.
In the File Submissions section, you'll find a link to download your original submission and a similarity score. Select the Turnitin logo, or percentage, to open a more detailed view.
Understanding the Similarity Score
Note: Select the Similarity tab for more information
IMPORTANT: The similarity percentage generally appears within 5-10 minutes after submission. However, depending on system demand, it may take up to 24 hours. Please wait at least 24 hours before contacting our support partner athttps://techsupport.lapu.edu.
LAPU's Academic Integrity Policies
Did you know that LAPU has specific policies about academic integrity? You can review them on the Academic Integrity page of the Course Catalog.